MNIEZANANY SWIAT Feb, 2000 article by Jedrzej Fijaikowaki


by Jedrzej Fijaikowaki
Attempts to give a blow to a meditating Japanese master turned out to be void Those, who wanted to do that, were thrown away a few meters by an invisible energy, and the not endangered Katsumi Niikura after letting out the air with a loud shout came back to the meditating pose.

The small Japanese, clad in T-shirt and spouts trousers walks onto the mattresses, that lie on the floor. He sits down ‘with crossed legs his palms turned upwards as when meditating. He concentrates for a while. When they are preparing to give him a blow, the teacher (in Japanese sensei) with a loud shout is letting the out of himself The disciples stop suddenly and afterwards they thrown away at a few meters distance. The scene is repeated several times, with requisites such as aikido sticks too.

This is just the internal energy ki – says Katsumi Niikura. -I would like to teach you during these three days how it worker in practice. But not to fight…

KI (in Chinese-chi) is the indispensable for life energy that is hidden in every being, in every one of us. Its proper, not disturbed flow preconditions our health, our feeling well. The ability to adjust this energy performed by a master can cause changes in work of separate body organs, metabolism and make us more open to the world, we understand it and become a part of it. Easy operating ki energy is the domain of Masters. The masters however learn that Skill from the beginning. As people my in the East, even the longest way starts with the first step.

Ki energy in every man, has individual character. As everybody possesses his own personality, in much the same way he owns his own ki energy To state this, we have to get to know it as well, as we know our own body. It requires a lot of work with oneself and many years of practice.

KI is love-love is health-health is life-life is ki. You have to understand this and start practicing, with open mind, willingness to co-operate and help other people. In this world there Is no room for competition, using force to win over others. We an hen to learn helping…

He himself is an example of that. Sensei (teacher) is a title customarily given to those who reached a high level of spiritual development. Katsumi Niikura can he compared to a traditional Japanese Bushido warier from whom versatility in all skills leading to such development is demanded and unique nobleness based on the principles of the and eat Bushido honor code. Niikurra ia a master with the highest degree of skill in many fighting schools, but also he is master of mach traditional Japanese arts as: calligraphy, producing of ancient armor, Ikebana and preparing of tea. To someone, who does not know the customs of the Earn, associating a master warier with someone preparing tea may have a humorous look. Those familiar with them know perfectly, how immense harmony is needed for the ritual of tea preparing to acquire the proper meaning, clean the mind, relax the body and quite anxiety.

When master gained almost everything in the art of fighting, he started preoccuping himself with the other side of ki energy: he started using ft not to avoid blows or give them, but to heal. The first such test he executed, when a personal drama affected him : his daughter started suffering from a brain tumor. The fact, that she came back to health made him sure about the way he wanted to step on being just. Meditating and practicing he perfected the method of ki activating and worked out a set of exercises enhancing that activation, because thanks to a proper training we all can learn to acquire it from our surrounding and adjust it to the flow, that streams through the inside of us. Every one of us feels the energy in another way: some as warmth, some as vibration, and others as a light blow of the wind or even electromagnetic fields. Feel it – is one thing, and the second is be able to operate it, use it, transfer it. Niikura raised a group of disciples, which themselves reach for success today. He came to Poland together with them and here held a three days long training for individuals connected with the group ” Heart Meditation” operating is Warsaw at the Culture House in Ochota Borough

– Ki is love

Ki is love – love is health – health is life -life is ki)-Niikura tells the training participants, duly standing in a circle and holding their hands. – You have to understand this and start practicing with open mind, willingness to cooperate aid help others. There is no room in this world for competition, for using force to win over others, to beat them. We are here to lean, help… Ways of putting hands, exercises ax pairs, together with the master and his disciples, harmonizing with characteristic whistling breathing, purifying the body and accumulating Ki – so it was during three days of exercises in one of Warsaw secondary schools. First two hours of exercise, then the teacher himself healed the ones in need. And this is what they said afterwards. – First I felt warmth about my heart, then in the whole of my vertebral column. Already on the first day I was feeling better. My husband, who is seriously ill started feeling much stronger, acquired a willingness to live… – I have to undergo an operation on varices, the operation term is already fixed. I wanted to use the help of Mr Niikura after first session I clearly see, that the varixs has become smaller… I have poor sight. Immediately after masters and his disciples’ action I could read a text removing it a few centimeters more away from the eye. – The Impression is incredible. We were already confronted with energy In our group “Heart meditation” before, but this surpassed our expectations. We are thankfull to Mr. Golebiowslri, that he invited the master to Poland and that we could meet him.

Adam is a businessman

An unusual businessman as for our easily capitalistic conditions. The aim of his life is not financial profit The profit can however be of another nature and accumulate itself on the account of life in a very progressive way. He himself conducts group activities, is the group’s informal leader, because everybody is even there, spreading the good, peace and love for people. He las been additiomlly lucky, because he traveled much around the world, met many literesting people, among others master Niikura. The meeting with Nikura was on of many ways, which he walked on in search for his own truth, the spiritual path of life. The begining was the teaching of the mistress Dolores Hand, whose visit to Poland was organized by Syiwia Czulkowska-Fabjanslca. The teachings of mistress Dolores were concerned with Cosmic Rules of Life and constituted inspiration and beginning of the way fore many serching in the U.S.A. , Japan and Poland. Notwithstanding the fact, that the mistress passed way a few years ago, her Polish group stiil exists meeting together and meditating on the chakram of heart. The mistress conducted every year meditative training on the mountain Shasta in California, famous for being a special power place. It was thanks to Dolores that he met many excellent people from different parts of the world, among others Ikuyo and her daughters, exceptionally “full of light” persons, as he calls them, who now together with a group of Niikura’s apprentices are helping in the activities of sensei in the U.S.A and Poland. All these acquuintances , joint activities and meditation on the Shasta mountain crystallized in a willigness to bring help to other people. From such meetings with excelleot people and meditation on the mountain he comes tuck loaded with new energy, positive thinking and a thousand of ideas, how to use energetic skills. He takes care of one of orpanages, willingly helps young people top start their lives.

He considers it natural it is his understanding of a certain purt of his path. When after three days of practicing many people became interested in Kastumi Niiknra’s techniques, Golebioski decided to create conditions for those, who want to continue their training and spiritual development. Also to enhance all, who for the first time heard about his work, energy ki and feel a need to bring help to other people. Perhaps it would also be interesting to domestic biological method therapeutists. Under the address http: //www.adam.anatomy. pl/ one can earn everything, that could he interesting to all willing to co-operate in the future with him, exercise with themselves and spread the Good ( e-mall: tel. 0601 21 45 54). So begins the search for the Way. You have just simply to find point of attachment, interest, something that suits just you. The 1 can continue my search, but someone else must show, that something, that is being looked after, exists. Such inspiration is not easy, but what comes easily – does not have big value. The masters give their apprentices an angle to catch fish, not fish on the frying pun. It is because of that, that Adam dreams about creating a center with a place for exercise with healing with help of ki, dojo -for those wishing to train alki -do, a room for everybody, that would like to bring help to other people in whatever form. The whole duly equipped, aseptic, clean, with elements ad energetic giaphics on the walls and feng-shui. You enter … and you breathe in another life. You are feeling, that something is vibrating inside yoursetf that you are alive, that you are close to everybody, and everybody is close to you.