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The Art Of Ki: A Healing Program – WDIV Click-on-Detroit
The Art Of Ki: A Healing Program
A Healing Program Healing Master Hosts Week -Long Program Of Training And Treatment
STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich., Posted 5:28 p.m. EDT July 19, 2000– Internationally recognized Ki healing master Katsumi Niikura is hosting a week of Ki healing training and treatments at his Sterling Heights school through Sunday. Ki, the basis of Oriental medicine, is receiving international attention from doctors and medical schools for its abilities to treat a range of medical disorders, including cancer, arthritis, stroke and neurological disorders. Although the concept of Ki is relatively unknown in the western part of the world, Americans have become more familiar with it through the practice of Tai-Chi, the art of moving meditation, and through Qigong, the healing application of Ki through breathing exercises. Niikura’s week-long training program features a Saturday morning workshop and demonstration from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with special guests, including Dr. Qi Fei Long, Dr. Hisako M. Koizumi and acupuncturist Steve Jackowicz. For more information contact: International Ki Ryokukai 2113 15 Mile Road (at Dequindre) Sterling Heights, MI 48310 (810) 978-8332
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