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The Art Of Ki: A Healing Program – WDIV Click-on-Detroit
The Art Of Ki: A Healing Program A Healing Program Healing Master Hosts Week -Long Program Of Training And Treatment STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich., Posted 5:28 p.m. EDT July 19, 2000– Internationally recognized Ki healing master Katsumi Niikura is hosting a week of Ki healing training and treatments at his Sterling Heights school through Sunday.…
MNIEZANANY SWIAT Feb, 2000 article by Jedrzej Fijaikowaki
MNIEZANANY SWIAT Feb, 2000 – by Jedrzej Fijaikowaki Attempts to give a blow to a meditating Japanese master turned out to be void Those, who wanted to do that, were thrown away a few meters by an invisible energy, and the not endangered Katsumi Niikura after letting out the air with a loud shout came…
Testimonials by clients
Testimonials Marion O’Reilly December 14, 1999 – “I have been receiving treatments from Katsumi Niikura for a least two years. I am a recovering breast cancer patient. I feel over this time he has helped me tremendously. I had restricted use of my right arm after my surgery. After several treatments the restrictions disappeared. Since…
News Radio Interview with Raymond Francis and Sensei Niikura
Radio Interview with Kiikura Sensei on KI (This was taken from a radio interview that Sensei Niikura did a few years ago) Raymond Francis: We are going to be talking about chi today. We have a very special guest (name) from Japan. Katsumi is an expert in what we call “the power of chi” And…
Client article contributed by Josalynn Davenport
Last July I had a hysterectomy. My ovaries and fallopian tubes were removed along with all the other equipment. There was cancer in the ovaries and fallopian tubes – it was removed from those areas. Three weeks later I had a bone scan and three weeks after that the results were metastatic breast cancer –…
Michele Po
To: Sensei Niikura From: Michele Po Date: September 25, 2003 Re: Ki This is to provide written document of my progress to date after being treated with Ki by Sensei five months ago in Michigan. After traveling to Michigan to see Sensei for one week in May of 2003, and experience his intensive treatements (6…
Japan ~日本支部~
新倉式呼吸法 日本HP : 支部名 連絡先 東京支部 住所:〒151-0053 東京都新宿区西新宿8-12-1 サンパレス新宿1106号室 FAX :033-363-9530携帯完全紹介制・予約優先ヒーリング:土~水曜日 10:00~17:00料金: グループヒーリング 1回\¥2000プライベートヒーリング 1回\¥3000出張ヒーリング 1回\¥3000 4回以上+交通費リフレクソロジー 組み合わせ自由 10分¥1000呼吸法レッスン: 毎週木曜日 11:00~ 1時間\¥1500〈要予約〉 武蔵野支部 代表:山本 雪子 ヒーリングルーム 京王線「西調布市」駅徒歩2分 東京都調布市上石原2-25-8 栄マンション103号室 E-mail: ヒーリング:予約制となっております。 60分¥6000 (メールにてお問い合わせください。返信にお時間がかかる場合が御座います、ご了承ください。) 呼吸法クラス:毎週金曜日 10:00~11:30 ¥1,500 ヨガ(骨格調整クラス) 月二回 月曜 10:00~11:30 ¥1,500 川崎支部 戸田章名称-生田健整館、宙の会044281007408059020074 水戸支部 ヒーリングルームラーシェ 住所:茨城県水戸市干波町98-2-202 携帯…
New York
New York Branch Ki Classes / Budo Classes / Healing Sessions For info & appointment in New YorkTel: 347-495-3955 Ki Sunday Class Schedule Time Ki Class Sunday 11:00 am – 12:30 pm Except holiday weekends and the holiday season.Schedules are subject to change due to bad wether or other reasons.Call for details 347-495-3955 Led by: Maki 347-495-3955 (E-mail: Led…
About Aikido
AIKIDO Aikido is the harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. This martial art utilizes an opponent’s momentum to cause imbalance resulting in the opponent being rendered harmless.
Ki Water Crystals
Explanation of Water Crystals Shown Test 1 (“Helping Energy”) Stage 1 Stage 2 Control Water (Unaltered by energy) Stage 1 Stage 2 (“No Ki Added”) After reading the book Messages from Water by Dr. Masaru Emoto, Katsumi Niikura and Dr. Hisako Koizumi went to Tokyo, Japan on May 29, 2002 to the I. H. M. General Research Institute to test the…